Temporary tattoos may also be an option to see if you actually like the outcome before making these changes more permanent. This kind of tattoo artist may be more knowledgeable about your breast, areola, and nipple structures. Some tattoo artists specialize in body modifications and are certified as “medical” tattoo artists. This procedure carries less risk, is less costly, and may be less permanent than a nipple graft. Nipple tattooĪ certified tattoo artist can also give you heart-shaped nipples. Skin from another part of your body may need to be grafted over your nipple skin to create the heart shape. The outer layer of your areola will be removed, and the skin underneath will be shaped the way that you desire. As your areola heals, it will contract and distort, leaving scarring and a heart shape that’s not symmetrical. If you do find a surgeon who’s willing to perform a nipple graft to make your areola appear heart-shaped, the procedure will need to be performed in a sterile and certified medical facility. However, many board-certified plastic surgeons will discourage you or refuse to perform this procedure. Nipple graftĪ nipple graft surgery can be performed by a plastic surgeon. This procedure can be performed as a nipple graft or as a tattoo.